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Soccer players draws so much from their training; it is through training repeatedly that they can know their strengths and weaknesses.


Simulating the soccer environment with virtual reality, with real-life conditions, can help the athlete learn valuable information even before they go into the real environment, training in this conditions it gives them, sort of, a head start into the playing field.


Virtual Reality simulations allow the athletes to gain ‘mental repetitions’ increase perceptual-cognitive skills performance, and introduce effects not easily replicated in real training conditions.


The ability to execute skilled movement patterns efficiently and effectively is the most important aspect of soccer performance and players must apply cognitive, perceptual, and motor skills to rapidly changing situations.


High levels of perceptual and cognitive skill are characteristics of those players who are able look in the right places for information and process this information efficiently before deciding on a suitable action.

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Skills such spatial perception, anticipation, reaction time, attention shifting, and pattern recognition is relevant cognitive skills.


These skills can be enhanced using virtual reality by ensuring training sessions train not just the physical components but also challenge and train the neural pathways.


Soccer players are required to make instantaneous and continuous decisions throughout the match, without have pre-determined playing sequences at their disposal. With the use of Virtual Reality soccer players can have unlimited repetitions of cognitive task in an environment that is as close to the real one as possible so they can be prepared for their games.

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